Attraction is Relative

I have been trying to figure out how to take care of my mom and realizing I could never be a nurse or a doctor. Seriously, just reading how to dress a burn wound and watching the videos (thanks YouTubers) have me squeezing my eyes shut. I’m not sure how mothers do this. It’s like every wound of their child they are there to clean up and take care of no matter how bad it is; seriously, I think I’m going to be sick and I think her blisters are just starting to get ready to seep. They are much bigger than the last picture so I hope it heals okay.

That being said, today I wanted to talk on fashion and something I have run into a lot lately.

I have seen a lot of chatter lately about dating, marriage and drawing a man in. The focus is always on dresses, hair and makeup but rarely, if ever, on focusing on inner self.

I am a proponent of being the healthiest you that you can be mentally, emotionally and physically. That being said I also know humans are visual creatures. When we are faced with the unknown we judge first with our eyes. We might try to determine if it’s safe or even attractive. So many things get processed at first sight and we judge. Some people judge for the worst based on preconceived notions but that’s an entirely different blog there.

I do understand the idea that paying attention to your outer beauty is important, though I will not say it is the most important thing. But still, let’s face it, beauty draws the other person in. Is that shallow? Yes. But it is still factual.

We could say men are shallow idiots but let’s be honest; how many women don’t look for the same zing of physical attraction when met with the unknown?

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If you saw a man who wore his pants nearly down to his knees, his hair looked like it hadn’t been combed in a few months and his nails looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in decades would you want to go out with him at first sight? Some people may say yes, some may say no, but that is life. Beauty and attraction are different things to different people.

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It kind of reminds me how some men want the perfect ten in a woman when they aren’t even close to a perfect ten themselves. Yet they will get upset if a woman doesn’t reciprocate their attraction. They’ll insist she’s just looking for a GQ model and a man with money.

Physical attraction is important. When faced with someone unknown physical attraction will be what draws the person in; a lack of attraction may send them the other way. Shallow as that may seem it is still a reality. While I will not advocate wearing dresses every day if it is not your style I will advocate putting the best you that you can forward at all times. You only get one first impression so make it a good one.

Next Thursday I will talk about C&C and how it can change a first impression.

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